Directions map


Directions to the Yeshiva

By Bus:

The Jerusalem Bus lines that stop near the yeshiva are: 55,52,33, and 74

From Ben Gurion Airport (Natbag):

We suggest you to take a sherut (a shared cab or van) from the airport. This takes several passengers direct to their destination.

The Sherut cab or van leaves from outside the airport. They charge a standard fee. Ask to be taken directly to 53 Katzenelbogen.

By Car from  the Jerusalem– Tel Aviv Highway:

  • Get off (right) at Ginot Sacharov (make sure you are in the far right lane).
  • Take the winding hilly road until Kanfei Nesharim (second light).
  • Turn right onto Kanfei Nesharim.
  • Turn left at the Roundabout to join Katzenelbogen at the entrance to Har Nof, by the gas station.
  • Follow the road to the right. The Yeshiva is on the right hand side. Limited parking is available opposite the Yeshiva.

By Car from Jerusalem:

  • Follow Rehov Yaffo away from the Old City.
  • Continue along Rehov Givat Shaul (left fork).
  • Turn left into Rehov Najara.
  • Follow Rehov Najara to the junction with Kanfei Nesharim.
  • Turn right onto Kanfei Nesharim.
  • Turn left at the Roundabout to join Katzenelbogen at the entrance to Har Nof, by the gas station.
  • Follow the road to the right. The Yeshiva is on the right hand side. Limited parking is available opposite the Yeshiva.

By Taxi from Yerushalayim/ Central Bus Station (Tahana Merkazit):

Ask to be taken direct to 53 Rehov  Katzenelbogen. The taxi fee will be around 30 NIS.

You can agree the price at the start or ask the driver to put on the meter.

Map of Har Nof

For a map of central Yerushalayim: (click on the area of the map that you need for


Link to Google Maps information about our address