Audios 5776
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Summer Session
- Counting the Omer – 1 Iyar 5776
- Explanation for Counting of the Omer – 2 Iyar 5776
- The Connection of Tehillim Chapter 67 with Counting the Omer – 3 Iyar 5776
- True Independence for the Jewish People is by Dedication to Hashem
- Time is Life – 8 Iyar 5776
- The significance of counting in Jewish life
- The first day of Pesach is called Shabbat
- Second Pesach, A second chance to do a mitzva
- 30th of the Omer – Gevura She’B’Hod
- These words and those views are the words of the Almighty – by Rav Aviezer Wolfson
- A good heart – the most important quality to develop
- A deep insight into the significance of Lag BaOmer
- Why did G-d ask to count the people if he already knows?
- Tzelem Elokim – Man’s Perfection
- There’s no such thing as chance
- Jewish Commentaries predicting the future acts of Islam
- Yom Yerushalayim shiur
- Kriat Shma before going to sleep
- Nuances in Biblical Grammar about the arrival at Sinai
- Rav Zadok’s Deeper Insights on the Counting of the Omer
- The Concept of Isru Chag
- The Message of Shavuos today – shiur of 8 Sivan 5776 Part 1 Part 2
- A different sound and a different message for each individual
- The Soul
- The truth of each individual
- Rav Dessler’s Approach
- A Man who is enthusiastic about Tzitzit will merit 2800 servants
- The contrast between Heaven and Hell
- The Slaughter of the Evil Inclination
- What does Israel mean?
- Korach created a baldness in our traditions
- What was the root of Korach’s rebellion?
- Korach desired that everyone would interpret the Torah according to his own understanding
- Korach and the Reform Movement
- Commentary on Chukat
- Start of a new series on Golus and Geula – 11 Tamuz 5776
- The wider context of Galut and Geula – 12 Tamuz 5776
- All those that want to swallow you up will disappear
- Today we live in an age of the fulfillment of prophecy
- The nature of the prophecies of Tanach of what would happen in the future
- Why do we fast today for things that happened years ago?
- The significance of exile and redemption
- The meaning of the name Israel
- The Name change from Yaakov to Yisrael
- Insights into the exile and redemption, the special significance of the 3 weeks
- The concept of angels, to teach human beings, how to serve G-d
- The struggle of Yaakov with the angel
- The Mitzvot work on the external to bring us to the internal
- Journeys of the wandering Jew
- Exile, Anti-Semitism, and the Redemption from It
- How the exile is transformed to Redemption
- I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me – initials of Elul
- Elul is related to an aramaic word – to explore
- Let’s analyze what is a bracha
- Time and space and matter are interwoven
- The confrontation between Rabbi Yehoshua and the philosophers of Athtens
- The princes of the nations of the world
- Sinners stumble in them
- Learning and/or Earning (based on Brachos 35b)
- The Human Being never stands still
- The Head of the Year and the Life Source for all the Days of the Year
- The brain of creation and the beginning of activity
- The Head of the year
- The importance of having correct scales
- The Significance of Yom Kippur
- The Essence of Yom Kippur
- The Day of Atonement – At One Ment
Winter Session
- How to Prepare for Yom Kippur by Rav Ezriel Tauber
- 8th of Tishrei Shiur of Rav B. Horovitz
- About the Tracks of Mashiach -7 Tishrei 5776
- Different Stages of the Return of the People to Torah and Eretz Yisrael -4 Tishrei 5776
- Shiur of Tzom Gedalia 5776
- Partnering With Hashem by Rabbi Prof. Twerski
- Methodology of the Gemara
- A second introduction to the Ways of Reason
- The Intelligence of Adam
- A Disciple of Rabbi Akiva after the Collapse of the Bar Kochba Messianic Movement and the Hadrianic Persecutions
- Parsha of the Week in the Chumash and in the World
- The Temple Mount – Al Aksa Controversy
- The Temple Mount – Al Aksa Controversy, Continued
- The Sixty Houses Represent:
- Questions About Yishmael
- The Coming of the Mashiach and what will be the situation regarding Christianity and Islam
- The Churba
- Purchase of a Burial Plot in Hebron (Chayei Sarah)
- About Mazikin
- Talk of Rabbi J. Rietti who at one time learned in Dvar Yerushalayim
- And it came to pass after these things
- Let our enemies be cut off
- The Ways of Reason and the Oral Torah
- The Moral Lesson from the Story of Adam and Eve
- The result of eating from the Tree of Knowledge
- The Battle between Islam and the Western World from the Present Parsha
- Speaking the Words Giving a Clear Thought
- Those that destroy the Divine Image
- Different Ways of Sinking
- How is Hashem conducting today’s affairs?
- Birthpangs of Mashiach – 11 Kislev 5776
- A little bit of light can drive away lots of darkness
- The Inner Light of Chanuka – Continued
- The Direction We Should Take
- The Light of Chanuka: The Many in the Hand of the Few
- The Inner Light of Chanuka based on Maharal
- Discovering the Light of Chanuka
- The Connection of the Inner Light of Chanuka with Vayeshev
- The Three Levels of Mitzva on Chanuka
- A Dvar Yerushalayim Chanuka Dinner with talks by Rab B. Horovitz, Rav Y. Horovitz, and Dr. Bank
- The Root of the Difference of Opinions Between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel
- The Root of Anti-Semitism
- Chanuka Lighting: 1 to 8 Vs. 8 to 1
- It happened in those days but it is also happening today
- The 8th day of Chanuka, The Main Chanuka
- 70 Bullocks – the basis for Beit Shammai
- The Wisdom and Will of the Creator
- Kriat Shma recited on the bed
- Reish Lakish – Shiur of 4 Tevet 5776
- Using Intellect for Life and Death Questions
- Constantly Be Occupied with the Love of Torah
- Paro Meets Yaakov
- Significance of the Fast Day of the 10th of Tevet
- The Tenth Month, Tenth Day in the Book of Yechezkel
- We Jews Have Been Attacked for Every Possible Reason
- The Significance of the name Moshe given by the daughter of Pharoah
- To see the Mazikin
- Details of the Ten Plagues – Part 1
- Details and Analysis of the Ten Plagues – Part 2
- The Important Lessons to be learned from the Ten Plagues
- The Ten Plagues – so that the name of Hashem will be known in the whole world
- Many Aspects of prayer in Masechet Brachot
- The Understanding to the Ten Plagues
- The Tefillin of Hakadosh Baruch Hu
- Harmony in nature in history
- The Significance of Number in the Bible
- The Plague of Lice causes the Magicians to recognize the finger of Hashem
- A new year for trees
- The inner significance of fruit trees
- If you accept the Torah well and good, if not the world returns to Chaos
- Mussar
- When I wanted to show my face you hid your face
- The deeper aspects of the Decalogue
- The 2 versions of the Decalogue
- Rav Dessler on the difference between the first Luchot and the second
- What is the mitzva of the Tefilla
- The danger of the high level of knowledge and emotion when not fixed by physical activity
- They reached the stage like Adam before the sin
- Details of the construction of the Mishkan
- The Cherubs
- The tree of knowledge of good and evil and the conflict of good and evil
- Was Adam Harishon Holy?
- The deeper significance of the priestly garments
- The priestly garments fixes the garments of the soul
- Sefer Yetsira – the Book of Creation
- Everything ultimately goes back to the individual
- The Mishkan teaches us to fulfill the Mitzvas of Hashem
- The Significance of the Mishkan for today
- The Scroll of Esther, the basis for the Purim festival
- The Concept of Time
- The Deeper Significance of Purim
- Haman brings the horse to Mordechai – by Dr. Bank
- To remember to obliterate the memory of Amalek
- Taanis Esther 5776
- A Korban is an offering to come near to Hashem
- Commentary on parts of the Hagada part 1
- Commentary on parts of the Hagada part 2
- Commentary on parts of the Hagada part 3
- The soldier that shot the wounded terrorist
- A Maharal commentary on the Hagada
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